Cocktails are our Passion!
We adore everything Mixology and the Bar scene.
Like ancient Alchemists, we craft our Elixir of Life to transmute the ordinary into pleasure and happiness.
We seek out the finest cocktail ingredients and provide you with access to the perfect solutions!

MIXOpro - a team of enthusiast-bartenders united by one vision:
We are what we drink!
We want to make the world taste better!
We want the world to drink natural, delicious, simple, accessible, perfect beverages.
For a good mood, a positive attitude towards life, and robust health!
MIXOpro.Store - is a part of ProfiFOOD Group, established by Alex Chornovol in 2018

We've gathered the finest cocktail ingredients in one catalog on our website
Available for order now!
We offer natural cocktail syrups, fruit purees, bitters, accessories.
We include delivery!
MIXOpro.Store - your supplier is always nearby.
No matter where you are, we offer free delivery in the USA and Canada.
The best cocktail ingredients - straight to your bar or home.

2018 - ProfiFOOD LLC founded: distribution of bar syrups.
2020 - - Brand registered. Production of single-serve cocktail premixes.
2022 - ProfiFOOD Canada Inc. established.
2023 - Store opened in Montreal, Quebec.
2024 - in the USA!
The story continues to unfold.

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